
You can use our Royalty Free images as often as you like for a one time fee.

You can use the images for print publishing like magazine and newspaper (stories, editorials, advertising), for documents, package designs and websites, but always marked as «© by www.ecliptic.ch»

You can NOT resell them “as-is”, or use them in any configuration where the images become the main selling point (T-Shirts, Mugs, Coloring Books, etc).

You can NOT alter or manipulate the images for publication in any form.

A note from Ecliptic & Thomas Thü in tiny type, but plain english: Many of you probably think that Ecliptic is a big enterprise with lots of employees and bags o' money. We only wish this were true (at least the bags o' money part). But, alas, we're just a small mini company trying to scratch out a living doing something we enjoy. Ergo, this missive (and all the legalese below) is meant to protect what we do have (i.e. our ideas and hard work). Here's the rub:

Ecliptics License Agreement: Download and/or payment for the image files indicates acknowledgement that you have read this license and agree to its terms. The terms of this License Agreement extend to all images that appear on www.ecliptic.ch, including those that are given away freely as samples or as part of a promotion. General This License Agreement is governed by the laws of Zurich, Switzerland.

All Graphics, Clip Art, Photographs, Photo Objects, Animation and Sound files (the "image files") are the property of Ecliptic and/or its licensing partners, and are protected by international treaty and copyright law. Ecliptic and its licensing partners grant you a single-user, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the image files under the following terms and conditions:

Terms and Conditions

You may not share, rent, lease, license, loan, transfer, resell, redistribute or grant any right to use the image files.

You may not claim copyright on any works derived from, or incorporating elements from the original image files.

You may not distribute the image files, or derivative works based on the image files, within, or as part of another product or software application, without first obtaining written permission from Ecliptic and/or its licensing partners (where necessary).
You may not reproduce the image files on or as part of a product (intended for resale) where the focus or main selling feature are the image files themselves (Ex. Mugs, Coloring Book).

Acknowledgement of «© by www.ecliptic.ch» as the source for the image files is strongly required, same for print and web publishing.

Images taken from this website may not have any of their watermarking or copyright markings removed.

Images taken from this website may not be used for, or in conjunction with, projects that could be seen to be of a libelous, defamatory, pornographic or harmful nature, including but not limited to websites related to creationism or racism.

Limited Warranty

Ecliptic warrants the image files to be free from defect. Defective files will be replaced free of charge, providing the defective files are returned to us, with a copy of the original receipt of sale, within thirty days of purchase.

In no event will Ecliptic, or any of its licensing partners, assigns and subsidiaries, be held liable for any damages including loss of data, lost profits, cost of cover, or any other incidental, consequential or indirect damages arising from the use of, or failure or inability to use the image files, however caused, and on any theory of liability.

This limitation applies even if Ecliptic, or any authorized representative or reseller has been advised of the possibility of such damage. You acknowledge that the license fee (payment) reflects this allocation of risk.

All images on this website are under strict
© copyright by Ecliptic & Thomas Thü Hürlimann and you may not
modify, publish, transmit, display, create derivative works or in any way exploit the content of
this website without express permission of Ecliptic and the copyright holder.