Business data

data presentation

BI worldwide share

Business intelligence

Sitting on the box

Waiting line

Sailing ships

Searching hiding

Captain sinking


Big sailing ship

Software tools

Martial arts kung fu


M superman


Winner computer


Web ticket shop

Document overload

Secretary woman

Desperated man

Home man

Designer man

Balance artist

Snowwhite dwarfs

Microsoft Word snail

World business

Bill Gates stopps

Suspend on wall

Mobile office

Toilet notebook

Cow sign

Small business

Data overflow

Bound relationship

Robot milk

Extracting data

Operation error

Cable guy

IBM and Apache

World manufacturing

Till cash box

Gifts happy birthday

Restaurant card

Sand box playing

Phone call people

Internet Television

Swiss world connect

Indian apache

Viking ship

feeling pulse

All images on this website are under strict
© copyright by Ecliptic & Thomas Thü Hürlimann and you may not
modify, publish, transmit, display, create derivative works or in any way exploit the content of
this website without express permission of Ecliptic and the copyright holder.